This annual report is based on the LSN 2014 – 2019 Strategic Plan and relates to activities from September 2015 to August 2016

Our action plan for 2016-2017 is available on our website.


These are the activities completed during the year:

1. Ongoing project to develop Library Services to People experiencing homelessness

The first draft of the guidelines for library services to people experiencing homelessness was completed in August 2016. The work was based on 50 examples from libraries around the world collected by the working group. During the Columbus conference a project meeting was held (minutes).

The first draft of the guidelines and its good practices were introduced through the standing committee meeting, its working group and the LSN session. We also called for the wider review of the finalized draft to be completed in November through the session.

We have already raised consciousness about serving people experiencing homelessness. We expect the finished guidelines to have a large impact.

2. Disseminate the Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia with Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities(LPD)

We disseminated the guidelines through LSNs facebook group and website. For the updates of the knowledge base and best practices we collected the related information through LSNs facebook group and local members’ websites.

The number of best practices increased and local libraries used the guidelines for the target group.

3. Develop an open session program with the theme of “Homelessness: Overview and Examples – Library Services to People with Special Needs”

All presentations of the speakers and a video titled “What do users say about library services for people experiencing homelessness” were made available through our LSN website.

The announcement of the session was widely informed through LSN facebook, website and the SC members’  websites.

The program attracted 219 attendees.

4. Improve accessibility at the World Library Information Congress for People with Disabilities

The first paper on accessibility at WLIC was sent to IFLA and related units such as IFLA/LPD and circulated through the LSN mailing list.

The response from IFLA is expected to improve accessibility at the WLIC.

5. Develop the new LSN Brochure

The new brochure was published and 300 copies were distributed to attendees at our session, SC members and others during the Columbus conference. It will be posted to our LSN website.

The number of LSN members are expected to increase.

Work in progress

1. Influence national library associations and local libraries to assist people who are experiencing homelessness.

  • A working committee to prepare the guidelines was formed during WLIC in Cape Town (minutes)
  • An application for IFLA project funding for 2016 related to this project was accepted.
  • 50 examples of library services to people experiencing homelessness were collected through an international call for examples.
  • The first draft of the guidelines was completed in august 2016.
  • A working group meeting was held in August 2016 (minutes).
  • The final draft will be available this fall for worldwide review.

2. Disseminate Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia – revised and extended

  • The guidelines for persons with dyslexia were published on the LSN website in March 2015.
  • The guidelines have been translated into several other languages and uploaded to the IFLA website – ongoing.
  • The knowledge base and best practices of the guidelines have been updated – ongoing.

3. Improve accessibility at the World Library Information Congress for people with disabilities.

  • An accessibility paper was developed and sent to IFLA in August 2016 to share with IFLA officers and staff.
  • Involve more professional units in the work to improve accessibility.

4. Develop the new LSN Brochure

  • The easy-to-read version of the brochure on LSN activities was published.
  • 300 copies were printed and distributed at the WLIC congress 2017.
  • Further dissemination of the brochure is needed.

5. Develop guidelines for library services to people who are hearing impaired.

  • Workshop to be held in Washington DC in march 2017.

Standing Committee Meetings

 The Standing Committee met at the following times:

  • 19 and 20 February 2016: Physical midyear meeting in Berlin, Germany.
  • 13 and 18 August 2016: Physical business meetings at WLIC 2016 in Columbus, USA.

Minutes from the meetings are available at the section website.