Photo of General MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito, not from the collection. By U.S. Army photographer Lt. Gaetano Faillace - United States Army photograph, Public Domain, The University of Maryland Libraries hold the Gordon W. Prange Collections, the most comprehensive collection of Japanese-language materials published between 1945-1949, the period of the Allied Occupation of Japan. The University of Maryland and the National Diet Library collaborated on the digitization of the Collection and making the materials available to their users. 

Type of Project: The documents come from a single collection – the Gordon W. Prange Collections at the University of Maryland.

Countries Involved: 2



[Website] | [Description] | [Partners] | [Duration] | [Access to Data and Documents] | [Volumetry]



The University of Maryland Libraries hold the Gordon W. Prange Collections, the most comprehensive collection of Japanese-language materials published between 1945-1949, the periods of the Allied Occupation of Japan. The University of Maryland and the National Diet Library collaborate on the digitization of the Collection and make the materials available to their users.


  • National Diet Library, Japan
  • University of Maryland, United States


  • Ongoing (started in 2005)

Access to Data and Documents

Materials are available only at the National Diet Library (and sometimes at partner libraries) and can not be reused.

Metadata is available for consultation on an online catalogue.


38453 documents