On 23 June 2021, IFLA Division IV – Support of the Profession and SET held the third webinar in the “Webinar Series for Library and Information Science Students”. June’s theme was “LIS Degree Requirement: Internships, Practicums, or Field Experiences”.

This webinar was special because we had IFLA President-elect Barbara Lison as a keynote speaker. She gave a talk “Librarian – a profession with many challenges”.

We also had a guest speaker Asst. Prof. Kathleen Lourdes B. Obille from the School of Library and Information Studies of the University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines.

Four LIS students from the Philippines, Croatia, India and Pakistan shared their experience with internships and practicums in their LIS programs.

The recording is available on the IFLA Section on Education and Training YouTube Channel. You can also see this booklet with abstracts to learn more about this webinar.

We are going to continue this fall in October. So stay tuned!