IFLA’s Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (under Key Initiative 2, Information and Knowledge) focuses on the eLending issue as an area for constant attention and engagement. A Working Group was set up in 2011 to propose actions which IFLA and its members should consider to address the situation. 

So far, IFLA has produced:

In addition, IFLA commissioned an independent ‘thinkpiece’ on eLending in libraries. The thinkpiece is not IFLA policy, and its purpose is to spark debate amongst the IFLA membership and beyond. It has also followed closely the case at the Court of Justice of the European Union, looking at whether existing rules on rental and lending should apply to eLending.

IFLA has engaged further with its members to understand how the issue is affecting libraries around the world. It has:

These webpages will be further developed to provide information on ongoing campaigns for eLending around the world, along with examples of successful models for providing eBooks for users.
